Transforming Your Old Tablet into a Racing HUD Display for Sim Racing

Transforming Your Old Tablet into a Racing HUD Display for Sim Racing
Photo by Max Böttinger / Unsplash

If you're a fan of sim racing and happen to have an old tablet gathering dust, I've got an exciting project for you. Recently, I stumbled upon my forgotten Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 and decided to repurpose it as a racing HUD display for my sim racing rig. Let me share with you the simple steps I took to make this happen.

Step 1: Mounting the Tablet

  • Find a suitable mounting solution (e.g., car dash mount).
  • Securely place the tablet on your desk within easy reach.
  • Example

Step 2: Download SimHub

  • Research and download SimHub, a software for customizing HUD displays for racing games.
  • Run the SimHub Server file and follow the installation instructions.

Step 3: Connect SimHub to Your Tablet

  1. Open the Simhub Server app on your PC.
  2. Use your tablet's camera to scan the provided QR code.
  3. A web browser will open on your tablet, showing available dashboards.

Step 4: Select and Customize Your Dashboard

  • Scroll through the available dashboard styles.
  • Choose your preferred style and load it onto the screen.
  • Opt for full-screen mode to avoid obstructed view.

Step 5: Confirm Settings and Launch Your Game

  1. Return to the desktop SimHub app.
  2. Click "OK" to confirm your settings.
  3. Navigate to the Games tab and launch your desired racing game.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Enhanced Sim Racing Experience

  • Once the game has loaded, refresh your dash device's browser.
  • Your tablet will now function as an immersive HUD display.


Repurposing your old tablet as a racing HUD display is a fantastic way to breathe new life into your sim racing rig. By following these steps and utilizing SimHub, you can customize and optimize your display, taking your racing adventures to the next level. Don't let that forgotten tablet collect dust any longer—turn it into a thrilling addition to your sim racing setup today!